Title: Liquid Biopsy Detection of a TP53 Variant in a “Disease Free” Pediatric Patient: Challenges in Interpretation
Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
11:00am-12:00pm ET
Plasma-derived cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing, or “liquid biopsy”, is swiftly emerging as a minimally invasive complement to traditional tumor biopsies and a potential alternative to invasive tissue biopsy in some scenarios. With increased implementation of this testing, awareness of its advantages and limitations becomes particularly critical. Drs. Patrick Blackburn and Selene Koo discuss the case of a child with an adrenocortical carcinoma harboring a TP53 variant, which was detected through comprehensive genomic analysis of tumor tissue at diagnosis, in plasma cfDNA months after initial surgical resection, and in subsequent metastatic tumor. We highlight potential confounders and pitfalls of liquid biopsy testing for surveillance of cancer patients.
Target Audience
All medical and healthcare professionals and researchers interested in understanding cancer genomic testing and somatic and germline variant interpretation methods. This series is presented as a collaboration between ClinGen Somatic, VICC, and ACMG consortia.
Presentation followed by live Q&A.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
- Describe the variants identified in the presented case
- Explain how pediatric cancer variant interpretation can differ from those arising in adult tumors
- Recall how genomic testing impacts patient care and management