Title: Variant Classification for Disorders of Somatic Mosaicism
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
11:00am-12:00pm ET
Post-zygotic genomic variation causes clinical disorders beyond malignancies. Clinical laboratory testing providing sensitive detection and accurate interpretation of such variants is critical in establishing molecular diagnoses that can be the first step toward utilization of targeted therapies. Classification frameworks developed for germline variation and for somatic variants in cancer each have limited applicability to somatic variants in Disorders of Somatic Mosaicism (DoSM). Our laboratory has leveraged extensive experience in testing for these conditions to develop modified classification criteria tailored for somatic variants observed in this context. This session will review the clinical patterns and significance of mosaic variants in DoSM and share our laboratory’s approach to variant classification. Three cases from our laboratory will be presented to illustrate key aspects of these variant classification specifications.
Target Audience
All medical and healthcare professionals and researchers interested in understanding cancer genomic testing and somatic and germline variant interpretation methods. This series is presented as a collaboration between ClinGen Somatic, VICC, and ACMG consortia.
Presentation followed by live Q&A.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
1. Explain the role of somatic variants in clinical conditions beyond cancer
2. Describe the challenges of applying variant classification frameworks intended for germline or cancer variation in the setting of Disorders of Somatic Mosaicism.
3. Discuss the importance of accurate genomic testing and variant classification for Disorders of Somatic Mosaicism.