PPM - Mild Fetal Ventriculomegaly
Description and References
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This document is a module that focuses on the diagnosis and management of mild fetal ventriculomegaly, which refers to the enlargement of the lateral cerebral ventricles in a fetus. The module aims to help participants understand the clinical diagnosis of this condition and the appropriate guidelines for its management, including further testing, counseling, and referrals. <br /><br />Mild fetal ventriculomegaly is defined as an atrial diameter of at least 10 mm on prenatal ultrasound. While ventriculomegaly is a cause for concern, mild cases, with a measurement of 10 to 12 mm, are often associated with a normal outcome in over 90% of cases. However, it is still important to evaluate for chromosomal abnormalities, structural brain abnormalities, and infections such as cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis. <br /><br />When ventriculomegaly is detected, a detailed examination should be performed to identify any other associated brain abnormalities or extracranial findings. Patients should be offered genetic counseling and diagnostic testing. Testing for maternal infection and fetal infection in the amniotic fluid should also be considered. Fetal MRI may be recommended if clinically indicated. Referral to subspecialty services may be necessary as well. <br /><br />The document references several relevant studies on mild fetal ventriculomegaly. One study published by the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine discusses the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of this condition. Another study explores the use of dedicated neurosonography for detecting abnormalities associated with mild-to-moderate ventriculomegaly. Additionally, a systematic review and meta-analysis examine the neurodevelopmental outcomes in isolated cases of mild fetal ventriculomegaly. <br /><br />In summary, this module provides information on the diagnosis and management of mild fetal ventriculomegaly. It emphasizes the importance of thorough evaluation, counseling, and appropriate referrals to ensure optimal care for pregnant individuals and their fetuses.
mild fetal ventriculomegaly
prenatal ultrasound
chromosomal abnormalities
genetic counseling
fetal MRI
neurodevelopmental outcomes
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