PPM - Abnormal Prenatal Screening for Aneuploidy o ...
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This document provides a checklist for healthcare providers to ensure that they cover all necessary information during patient visits regarding abnormal prenatal screening for aneuploidy (abnormal number of chromosomes) or open neural tube defects (ONTD). The checklist includes the following points: <br />1. Documentation of gestational age and method of dating.<br />2. Assessment of family history.<br />3. Evaluation of maternal health.<br />4. Review of medication, alcohol, tobacco, and drug exposures.<br />5. Explanation of the significance of screening and its limitations.<br />6. Discussion of the role of sonographic assessment of fetal anatomy and its impact on risk assessment.<br />7. Offering of prenatal diagnosis such as CVS or amniocentesis for increased aneuploidy risk, including discussion of benefits and risks. Also, mention of prenatal cell-free DNA screening as an option if traditional screening indicates aneuploidy.<br />8. If MSAFP (maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein) is elevated, discussion of ultrasound and amniocentesis for further examination.<br />9. Documentation of conveying procedure results to the patient.<br />10. Documentation of patient notification of prenatal cell-free DNA screening results if applicable.<br />11. Discussion of potential adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with abnormal analytes and documentation of appropriate follow-up recommendations.<br />12. Recommendation for postnatal pediatric follow-up if necessary.
abnormal prenatal screening
open neural tube defects
gestational age
method of dating
family history
maternal health
medication exposure
alcohol exposure
tobacco exposure
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