ACMG Education Workgroups
April 23 Evaluation Report
April 23 Evaluation Report
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The ClinGen Somatic and VICC VMTB CME Case Presentation, held on April 23, 2024, focused on exploring publicly available cancer variant databases and knowledgebases. Participants reported intentions to enhance their practices through increased use of databases such as COSMIC, MITELMAN, Jackson Labs, and OncoKB, and by updating their workflows with new tools and resources for cancer variant interpretation. 39.29% of respondents plan to increase database usage, while others highlighted improved understanding and knowledge (14.29%) and workflow enhancements (10.71%). A minority (17.86%) cited no changes due to already following recommended practices or irrelevance to their field.<br /><br />Feedback suggested interest in upcoming presentations on topics like liquid biopsies, AI in variant classification, handling germline variants, and cancer genetics. While immediate availability of case studies by participants was limited, some expressed potential contributions in future sessions.<br /><br />The session was highly appreciated for its informative content, practical application, and effective presentation, with all 43 respondents affirming the absence of commercial bias. Participants valued the speaker's comprehensive database overview, acknowledging the lack of financial bias, and agreed that the educational objectives were achieved. Suggestions included incorporating real-world examples to enhance learning.<br /><br />In terms of behavior change, 34.88% of participants expressed plans to develop mechanisms, while the majority were either undecided or not applicable due to professional relevance.<br /><br />The session successfully met expectations regarding content and presenter knowledge, as evaluated by average scores above 4.6 out of 5 in various criteria, reflecting substantial confidence in the program's effectiveness and applicability to cancer variant data practices.
ClinGen Somatic
cancer variant databases
Jackson Labs
variant interpretation
liquid biopsies
AI in variant classification
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