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Prenatal diagnosis of 7q, Xq/Yq deletion mosaicism ...
Prenatal diagnosis of 7q, Xq/Yq deletion mosaicism in an alobar holoprosencephaly fetus: A case report and review of the literature
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This case report discusses the prenatal diagnosis of 7q and Xq/Yq deletion mosaicisim in a fetus with alobar holoprosencephaly (HPE). HPE is a congenital malformation of the brain and face caused by incomplete cleavage of the prosencephalon. Alobar HPE is the most severe form and is associated with high perinatal mortality. Most cases of HPE are sporadic, but some have identifiable genetic causes. In this case, a 12-week ultrasound revealed isolated alobar HPE in an 18-year-old pregnant woman. Chorionic villus sampling detected an abnormal mosaic karyotype with 7q deletion and Xq/Yq loss. Further analysis confirmed the presence of a male fetus with X/XY mosaicism and pathogenic deletion on chromosome 7. Notably, the deletion includes the SHH gene, a major gene implicated in HPE. The parents' karyotypes and expanded carrier screening were normal.<br /><br />The genetics of HPE are complex and involve various genetic causes. Mosaicism may play a role in the clinical manifestation, but its extent is unclear. The 7q deletion has been frequently linked to HPE, but its genotype-phenotype relationship has not been fully defined. This case emphasizes the importance of early prenatal diagnosis, appropriate counseling, and diagnostic testing for HPE. <br /><br />In conclusion, this case report presents a prenatal diagnosis of alobar HPE associated with mosaic terminal deletion of 7q. The significance of mosaicism in contributing to the clinical features of HPE remains uncertain. Timely and accurate genetic evaluation is crucial in cases of HPE to guide counseling and management decisions.
Asset Subtitle
Presenting Author - Jee Hey Song, MD; Co-Author - Zenobia Gonsalves, MD; Co-Author - Anna Karlsen, MS, CGC; Co-Author - Desiree Fiorentino, MD, MBA, FACMG, FACOG; Co-Author - Pe'er Dar, MD; Co-Author - Sara S. Rabin-Havt, MD; Co-Author - Susan Klugman, MD;
Meta Tag
array CGH
Brain/Nervous System
Chromosomal Abnormalities
Congenital Anomaly
Genetic Testing
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations
Prenatal Diagnosis
Zenobia Gonsalves, MD
Anna Karlsen, MS, CGC
Desiree Fiorentino, MD, MBA, FACMG, FACOG
Pe'er Dar, MD
Sara S. Rabin-Havt, MD
Susan Klugman, MD
Presenting Author
Jee Hey Song, MD
prenatal diagnosis
7q deletion
Xq/Yq deletion
alobar holoprosencephaly
congenital malformation
perinatal mortality
genetic causes
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