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Its time to listen to the families; a disease conc ...
Its time to listen to the families; a disease concept model for Gould Syndrome.
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Gould Syndrome is a rare and progressive disorder caused by mutations in genes COL4A1 and COL4A2, which are important in the formation of the basement membrane. The Gould Syndrome Foundation created a patient registry to better understand the needs of individuals with this condition. The registry found that many individuals in the cohort reported a history of stroke, but only a small percentage received education on stroke identification. This highlights a gap between the information provided by healthcare providers and what caregivers identify as important.<br /><br />The aims of the current study were to identify and assess the range of symptoms experienced by individuals with Gould Syndrome and how these symptoms affect their daily life and care. The study found that gastrointestinal issues were particularly significant, with a high percentage of participants reporting constipation, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and feeding disorders. However, no patients were referred to gastroenterologists.<br /><br />Families affected by Gould Syndrome expressed a desire for information on specialists to see, healthcare providers knowledgeable about the disease, and resources provided at diagnosis. A disease concept model was developed to describe the relationship between symptoms, concerns, and their impact on daily life and care. This model incorporates the aspects that caregivers and patients deem most important.<br /><br />The study also identified three themes: caregivers taking on the role of educator, a lack of resources following diagnosis, and feelings of isolation in community groups due to the variability of the syndrome.<br /><br />The study included interviews with caregivers of individuals with COL4A1/COL4A2-related disorders. Most caregivers had a child diagnosed with COL4A1 as an infant, and most of the variants in the sample were de novo.<br /><br />In conclusion, this study shed light on the needs and experiences of individuals with Gould Syndrome and their caregivers. It highlighted the importance of addressing the information gap between healthcare providers and caregivers and the need for continued education and resources for this rare disease.
Asset Subtitle
Submitter Only - Erica Schindewolf, MS; Presenting Author - Anna Duemler, BS; Co-Author - Ana Cristancho, MD; Co-Author - Stacey Cohen, MS, CGC; Co-Author - Kathy Valverde, Phd, MS;
Meta Tag
Clinical History
Eye disorders
Intellectual disability
Prenatal Diagnosis
Psychosocial Counseling Issues
Psychosocial Issues
Ana Cristancho, MD
Stacey Cohen, MS, CGC
Kathy Valverde, Phd, MS
Presenting Author
Anna Duemler, BS
Submitter Only
Erica Schindewolf, MS
Gould Syndrome
patient registry
gastrointestinal issues
disease concept model
rare disease
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