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Genetic Determinism Beliefs Are Associated With De ...
Genetic Determinism Beliefs Are Associated With Decreased Genetic Testing Utilization and Increased Willingness to Participate in Genetic Research
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The document acknowledges the data provided by the Kaiser Permanente Research Bank (KPRB) and the support from Kaiser Permanente's "Garfield Memorial Fund". The research aims to understand the association between beliefs in genetic determinism, utilization of genetic testing, concerns about genetic discrimination, and willingness to participate in genetic research.<br /><br />The study conducted an online survey among adult Kaiser Permanente (KP) members in seven regions nationwide. Eligible participants were those invited to participate in the KP Research Bank within the past 2.5 years, including both those who consented and those who did not respond to the invitation.<br /><br />The results suggest that stronger beliefs in genetic determinism are associated with lower utilization of clinical and direct-to-consumer genetic testing, as well as higher willingness to participate in genetic research. These findings may have implications for counseling patients with strong genetic determinism beliefs on the risks and benefits of genetic testing, as well as recruiting participants for genetic research studies.<br /><br />In total, 10,369 KP members completed the survey, with a response rate of 18%. The respondents were predominantly female (65%) and non-Hispanic White (44%). The majority were aged 60 or above (41%) and had a post-graduate degree (29%).<br /><br />Data analysis involved dividing responses into quartiles based on genetic determinism scores and using logistic regression to calculate adjusted odds ratios. The odds ratios were calculated for genetic testing utilization, willingness to participate in genetic research, and genetic discrimination concerns across the quartiles of genetic determinism scores.<br /><br />The document includes a table with descriptive statistics of the survey respondents, as well as a figure depicting the odds ratios of genetic testing utilization, willingness to participate in genetic research, and genetic discrimination concerns across the quartiles of genetic determinism scores for each Kaiser Permanente region.<br /><br />Overall, the study highlights the relationship between beliefs in genetic determinism and behaviors and attitudes related to genetic testing and research participation.
Asset Subtitle
Presenting Author - Jonathan L. Qu, BA; Co-Author - Andrea N. Burnett-Hartman, PhD; Co-Author - Mark Duggan, MA; Co-Author - John L. Adams, PhD;
Meta Tag
Ethical Legal and Social Issues
Genetic Testing
Andrea N. Burnett-Hartman, PhD
Mark Duggan, MA
John L. Adams, PhD
Presenting Author
Jonathan L. Qu, BA
Kaiser Permanente Research Bank
Garfield Memorial Fund
genetic determinism
genetic testing
genetic discrimination
willingness to participate
online survey
KP members
data analysis
odds ratios
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