2023 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting Digital ...
Exploring the Effects of a Point Mutation in the 5 ...
Exploring the Effects of a Point Mutation in the 5' UTR of
Found in a Family with Colon Cancer
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Pdf Summary
A study explored the effects of a point mutation in the 5' UTR of the APC gene in a family with colon cancer. The mutation (-40G>A) was found to potentially create a premature start codon. Computational analysis using PreTIS identified this mutation to have the highest confidence score for aberrant start codon initiation. Luciferase assays confirmed that the presence of the mutation decreased the use of the canonical start codon and that the mutation itself could act as a strong start codon. Co-segregation analysis showed odds of 245:1 in favor of pathogenicity. The variant was not found in the gnomAD database, and the two affected cousins did not share any other potentially pathogenic variants. The study concludes that the mutation qualifies as a likely pathogenic variant based on fulfilling several ACMG criteria, including functional evidence, absence from population databases, and co-segregation analysis. The APC gene is commonly mutated in colorectal cancer and is a high-risk cancer susceptibility gene associated with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). If left untreated, FAP can progress to colon cancer. Overall, the study provides evidence supporting the reclassification of the -40G>A variant as likely pathogenic.
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Presenting Author - Brendon Young, none; Co-Author - Sean V. Tavtigian, PhD; Co-Author - Kathleen Clark, PhD; Co-Author - Megan B. Keener, BS; Co-Author - Deborah W. Neklason, PhD; Co-Author - Austin Wood, BS; Co-Author - Wendy McKinnon, MSc; Co-Author - Marc S. Greenblatt, MD;
Meta Tag
Sean V. Tavtigian, PhD
Kathleen Clark, PhD
Megan B. Keener, BS
Deborah W. Neklason, PhD
Austin Wood, BS
Wendy McKinnon, MSc
Marc S. Greenblatt, MD
Presenting Author
Brendon Young, none
point mutation
5' UTR
APC gene
colon cancer
aberrant start codon
Luciferase assays
co-segregation analysis
ACMG criteria
likely pathogenic
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