Expanding The Genetic and Phenotypic Spectrum of Cohesinopathies in a Single Center
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Co-Author - Isabelle Thiffault, PhD, MsC, FABMGG; Presenting Author - Joseph T. Alaimo, PhD, FACMG; Co-Author - Vitoria Paolillo, PhD; Co-Author - Florencia Del Viso, PhD; Co-Author - Ana SA. Cohen, PhD; Co-Author - Emily G. Farrow, PhD, CGC; Co-Author - Susan Starling, Genetics Counselor; Co-Author - Maggie Humphrey, MS, CGC; Co-Author - Caitlin Schwager, MS, CGC; Co-Author - Lauren Bartik, MsC; Co-Author - Kendra Engleman, MS, CGC; Co-Author - Laura Cross, MS, CGC; Co-Author - Holly Welsh, MS CGC; Co-Author - Eric T. Rush, MD; Co-Author - Shivarajan M. Amudhavalli, MD; Co-Author - Bonnie R. Sullivan, MD; Co-Author - Dihong Zhou, MD; Co-Author - Elizabeth Shaffer, MD; Co-Author - Waseem Baig, MD; Co-Author - Lee Zellmer, MS, CGC; Co-Author - Mary Rindler, MS, CGC; Co-Author - Tricia N. Zion, MS,CGC; Co-Author - Emelia Boillat, BS; Co-Author - Tomi Pastinen, MD, PhD; Co-Author - Carol J. Carol, PhD; Co-Author - Isabelle Thiffault, PhD, MsC, FABMGG;
Meta Tag
Brain/Nervous System
Delineation of Diseases
Exome sequencing
Genetic Testing
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations
Inheritance Patterns
Intellectual disability
Molecular Pathophysiology
NextGen Sequencing
Phenotypic delineation of disorders
Variant Detection
Co-Author Isabelle Thiffault, PhD, MsC, FABMGG
Co-Author Vitoria Paolillo, PhD
Co-Author Florencia Del Viso, PhD
Co-Author Ana SA. Cohen, PhD
Co-Author Emily G. Farrow, PhD, CGC
Co-Author Susan Starling, Genetics Counselor
Co-Author Maggie Humphrey, MS, CGC
Co-Author Caitlin Schwager, MS, CGC
Co-Author Lauren Bartik, MsC
Co-Author Kendra Engleman, MS, CGC
Co-Author Laura Cross, MS, CGC
Co-Author Holly Welsh, MS CGC
Co-Author Eric T. Rush, MD
Co-Author Shivarajan M. Amudhavalli, MD
Co-Author Bonnie R. Sullivan, MD
Co-Author Dihong Zhou, MD
Co-Author Elizabeth Shaffer, MD
Co-Author Waseem Baig, MD
Co-Author Lee Zellmer, MS, CGC
Co-Author Mary Rindler, MS, CGC
Co-Author Tricia N. Zion, MS,CGC
Co-Author Emelia Boillat, BS
Co-Author Tomi Pastinen, MD, PhD
Co-Author Carol J. Carol, PhD
Presenting Author Joseph T. Alaimo, PhD, FACMG
neurodevelopmental disorders
Cornelia de Lange syndrome
genetic variations
pathogenic variants
comprehensive pathway analysis
genetic heterogeneity
variants of unknown significance
de novo variants
phenotypic spectrum

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