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Causes of death and associated factors in patients ...
Causes of death and associated factors in patients with trisomy 18 syndrome and long-term survival
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The study analyzed the causes of death in patients with trisomy 18, a genetic disorder that is characterized by multiple congenital malformations and an increased mortality rate in infancy. The study included a retrospective cohort of 174 patients with full trisomy 18, making it the largest study of its kind. <br /><br />The analysis found several factors associated with mortality in patients with trisomy 18, including prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 18, postpartum respiratory distress, maternal age over 35 years, low birth weight, central nervous system defects, septal defects, gastrostomy tube placement, and failure to meet sitting and rolling milestones after the age of 1 year.<br /><br />When comparing the cause of death between trisomy 18 patients over 1 year old in the current study and a previous study, there was a decrease in cardiac contributing causes of death and an increase in infectious and postoperative contributing causes of death in the current study.<br /><br />The study highlights the unique medical needs of long-term trisomy 18 survivors and suggests the need for further research to develop comprehensive health supervision guidelines for this population.<br /><br />Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the causes of death and associated factors in patients with trisomy 18 beyond infancy, contributing to a better understanding of the long-term outcomes for individuals with this condition.
Asset Subtitle
Presenting Author - John C. Carey, MD; Co-Author - Jannine D. Cody; Co-Author - Justin Mehl, medical student; Co-Author - Jonathan gelfond, PhD;
Meta Tag
Chromosomal Abnormalities
Clinical Cytogenetics
Natural History
Jannine D. Cody
Justin Mehl, medical student
Jonathan gelfond, PhD
Presenting Author
John C. Carey, MD
trisomy 18
genetic disorder
mortality rate
retrospective cohort
prenatal diagnosis
respiratory distress
maternal age
central nervous system defects
gastrostomy tube placement
long-term outcomes
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